How To Live For Less After 55+ In A Park Model

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How To Live For Less After 55+ In A Park Model

Did you think your home value would let you retire early?

Have you been caught in the devalued housing market?

Did you lose your home?

Do you need inexpensive housing to get back on your feet?

Are you ready to make a serious move this year to live affordably and have fun at the same time?

If you answered, “YES” to any of these questions, I have a surprising answer for you that will provide an easy – little known way to get started on your journey to financial recovery.

Introducing a Park Model.

A Park Model is a living structure build to a maximum of 400 square feet. The typical unit has one bedroom, one bathroom, a kitchen and a living – dining area combined.

There are abundant exterior designs to choose from and as many interior designs to meet every individual interest. Some manufacturers will build to suit your custom plans. Just ask your sales person for that option.

These units are placed on your own land, in special designated vacation locations, but most frequently they are placed in numerous senior communities or RV Parks or RV Resorts.

Most of the communities where you can place your new unit are RV Parks or Resorts that rent sites or a plot of ground to place your Park Model. Most sites and communities are equipped with all of the utility hookups needed to set up your home quickly.

The reason these structures are typically placed in RV Parks is they are rated as RV’s and are titled by state motor vehicle departments as vehicles. So you carry a vehicle registration for your home and you typically do not own the land where you place the Park Model.

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Before you say there is no way you’ll live in a vehicle, maybe these simple associated costs will convince you otherwise.

Basic Cost New – as low as $17,500.

Basic Site Rent – as low as $350 month in a full service park. (This number could be much lower or much higher depending the amount and type of services provided in the community or area you place your Park Model.)

Many communities rent their sites on an annual basis. This requires you pay your annual fee up front each year. Other communities rent their sites by month, which gives you an easier way to budget your expenses.

Utilities – water, sewer and electric can run from $75.00 to $300.00 a month depending on your usage history and the region where you locate your Park Model. If it’s hot all summer, your expenses will be high in the summer, but much lower in the winter.

One of the great-added benefits of putting these homes in an Active Senior RV Community is the new lifestyle you will discover.

Many of the RV Resorts provide activity departments that plan daily and weekly events, live entertainment and even trip outings that you can participate in along with the other residents. Clubs, crafts and exercise facilities are also readily available.

So making friends and staying busy every day is a given that will keep you energized and enthused about your life when you choose one of these communities.

It is easy to locate a Park Model supplier anywhere in the country. Here are some of the popular suppliers you can look up to begin your research. Cavco in Arizona, , Diamond Park Homes in Texas, and , and Athens Park Homes also in Texas.

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These are just a few of the names of manufacturers. Please do an Internet search for Park Model, Manufactured Homes, RV Resorts, Cabins and Modular Homes to find models, manufacturers and locations that suit your specific needs.

Getting into a living situation that is inexpensive, convenient and fun is achievable and available in many areas of the country. Making the move to a Park Model lifestyle can get you into a comfortable financial position quickly and easily if that is a one of your goals this year.

If this overview has yet to convince you to make the move to consider this very affordable living style, contact an RV Resort near you or in an area you would like to live and ask about seasonal Park Model rentals.

Many Park Model owners rent their unit out when they are away on other travels. This will give you the chance to sample their Park Model Lifestyle. Give it a try today. It’s easy and great fun and it just may get your finances in a very healthy condition.